Thursday, 1 August 2013

Haul: Guardian in Singapore

Hi BeautyBuggiessss!

Today, I am back with another haul, and this one is from Singapore! I am going to separate them into three blog posts according to the shops I got them from. In my opinion, this would be an easier format for people to read and follow. Bare in mind that this is a collective haul. First of all, I went to a drugstore in Singapore called "Guardian". I am not sure if all "Guardian" in Singapore carry these products, but I definitely know the Marina Bay Sands Shoppes branch does. There I found many brands that I have never heard of in either Thailand and England, but due to time constraints, I was not able to browse around as much as I wanted to. In the end, I bought two body creams and a lip essence. The two body creams are from the brand 2B. The first one is 2B Alternative Into Arm & Body (100ml) and the other one is 2B Alternative Skirt Ready (120ml). I have forgotten the exact price, but as I recall, it is around 40-50 Singapore dollars. You could buy online here. This website also offers international shipping, therefore, it is convenient for all of you overseas. I have heard about this product from "Bubzbeauty" on Youtube in her "March Favorites" clip, so I decided to give it a try and but the combo set. The other product I bought (as I mentioned above) is the Little Twin Stars Lip Essence. I would have to admit that I have bought this product because of the packaging. Look at those two cute twins!!! How can you resist such cute product. As you can see, I have not even opened them, so I would not be able to give any first impressions yet (sorry!).
To Be Continued...
(there will be another blog post coming soon!)


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